Saturday, July 13, 2013

Ramadan Charities

Salaam aleykum and Ramadan Mubarak!!

InshAllah your fasting is going well. One thing strongly encouraged during Ramadan is to give charity and lots of it! In case you're having trouble finding worthy causes, we're compiling a list of various Islamic charities that could really use your help. Comment if you have a charity you'd like to see featured! We will update this list regularly, inshAllah.

Feed a Syrian Family

Help Omar Ahmed get a new kidney

Islamic Help: General relief fund

Islamic Relief USA: General relief fund

Muslim Aid: General relief fund

Muslimah's Covered With Care: To help American Muslim women with modest dress needs and also life crisis assistance.

Ramadan TV: An online/on-the-air TV channel that teaches anyone and everyone about all things Ramadan.

Save an Orphan: Orphan assistance fund

SOLACE UK: To help UK Muslim women converts with learning about Islam and life crisis assistance.

The Well Project Ramadhan: Donate to help fund 30 wells built during Ramadan - one for each day!

May Allah accept and reward your generosity!


Friday, July 12, 2013

Changing the wardrobe!

Salaam aleykum!

It's a pretty big change to put hijab on, but it all doesn't need to happen at once. Even though hijab is fard, you need to understand that it is a commitment and once it's on, it should be on for good. We thought you would be interested in the tips and tricks we have for changing the wardrobe from non-Islamic to a more modest, hijabified closet!

1. Take a deep breath, and take it slow! There's no specific time frame for when you need to be completely hijabbed. Set a goal for covering up a little bit more of your body as you go along. You'll know when you're ready for the next step. Make plenty of dua'a as you go along. Some people will take a month, others will take years. Allah knows what is best for you, so don't forget to include Him in this very important journey of your faith.

2. Stop wearing sleeveless shirts. This is simple and really quite unnoticeable by friends and family, especially if you're a revert who doesn't want your family to find out right away. T-shirts are really easy to get away with. There are also a lot of tops made from lighter material that still cover the upper arms without making you sweat.

3. Stop wearing shorts/short skirts. Instead, opt for jeans, maxi dresses and maxi skirts. Also, some companies make awesome gaucho pants that are super comfortable, flowy, and stylish. These items can stay with you even after you don hijab, so they're a worthy investment!

4. Start wearing long sleeves instead of t-shirts. Yes, even over the summer. Doing this for a year has worked out really well for me (Zahra). You'll start to figure out what outfits look good together. You'll figure out which tops are suitable over jeans (i.e. covering the bum) and which are more suitable for a skirt. Also, at this point you may want to consider starting your scarf collection if you already haven't. Buying a few at a time will make the investment a lot smaller every month instead of purchasing an entire wardrobe's worth of scarves the week you decide to wear hijab!

5. Wear hats! Beanies are a great way to get used to having something on your head, plus nobody's going to say anything if you show up to school with a beanie on one day, and your hair curled the next. You should also practice wrapping your hijab and getting the hang of doing it. Once you're comfortable with how some styles look on your head at home, you'll feel more confident wearing it out in public.

6. Set a date and wear your hijab out in public! Figure out which setting makes you most comfortable. Tell a friend and have her go out with you, or get your group of friends together and surprise them with your new commitment! By setting a date, you'll build up excitement as the day comes closer to wearing your hijab and you'll have a special day that you can celebrate each year as your hijab-iversary comes around.

Another thing we recommend is to purchase Islamic clothing as you go along. If you prefer shalwar kameez, abaya, jilbab, or jalabiya, look around and find ones you like. As you move closer towards full hijab, start making an investment here and there of an article of clothing you really like. Having special pieces of clothing saved in your closet will help you get more excited about wearing it when you take that final step.

Of course, these steps won't necessarily help everyone. Some people go from being a non-Muslim, one day wearing shorts and a tank and the next day wearing an abaya and khimar. That's perfectly fine, but not everyone can run straight to that kind of Islamic wear right away. Anyone who wants to dress more modestly can follow these steps. Modify them as you need to for your particular religion. InshAllah these steps and tips will help ease any anxiety you may have about covering for the first time and break it down into much more manageable goals.

Until next time,