Sunday, February 3, 2013

World Hijab Day! -Zahra

Salaam aleykum!

As many of you know, I recently participated in World Hijab Day this past Friday. It was a phenomenal experience and I had such a great day, al7amdullilah.

The purpose of World Hijab Day is to give non-hijabi Muslim women and non-Muslim women a chance to experience what it's like to be a covering woman. It helps spread the message of Islam to those who may not have been exposed to it beforehand.

Since I don't wear hijab and won't be wearing it for a few more months, I decided to go ahead and do World Hijab day. I ran several errands, which included the bank, hair salon, and grocery store. I also had classes that day, so I was considerably nervous for my classmates' reactions. Facebook, Twitter, and Keek all voted to decide what I would wear. I wound up wearing a beautiful black dress from Hijab-Ista and a kelly green jersey hijab. I also made a tag telling people to ask me about World Hijab Day.

Everyone was really nice to me, and I had a lot of questions. There was a considerable amount of staring when I went to the grocery store, but I didn't mind. I felt awesome wearing hijab. It was really wonderful, knowing that for that one day I was representing Islam 100%. I can't even describe how it felt to be covered. It was great to feel so modest and to know that I was protecting my entire being, even just for a day.

I truly cannot wait to don hijab now. I had long forgotten the feeling of security and satisfaction I had from covering my hair. Just a few more months and I can have hijab permanently.

Thank you all for participating and your amazing support. This could not have happened without you being there by my side.

Until next time,



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